wicked week recap

description: on the last week of the term we had a fun week, on Monday we went to willow bank. on Tuesday we did top team. on Wednesday we did skate school. and  on Thursday we did ice skating. and on Friday we were meant to go to englefield park but it was raining.

terrific three bears cottage

we did a picture of the three bears cottage from goldilock’s and the three bears my writing about the cottage will be under neath hope you like it.


The three bears, a beautiful mama bear, a scary papa bear, and a cool baby bear lived in a dark, intimidating cottage in the denmanion  forest. By the cottage was a trampoline park but not just a trampoline park it was abandoned.  The sound coming from the abandoned trampoline park was creaking. Sometimes you could even hear creepy giggling coming from the trampoline park.  From the three bears house was a path there was a path they never found out why there was a path when they watched the path there was giggling coming from the path but the path was so bright, bright yellow, red, orange, and pink flowers surrounding it they did not like that path though because they only liked the dark. Where they lived you would always here creaking and screaming but after a while they got used to it but to this day they still don’t know where the voices are coming from, or who the person was who was screaming.